C Sharp

How to convert a string to enum using C#

We can use the following methods to convert a string to Enum in C#

  • Enum.Parse()
  • Enum.TryParse()

The difference between the two methods is that Enum.Parse() will throw an exception if it cannot convert a string to Enum while Enum.TryParse() returns boolean false if it cannot convert the string to Enum.

Let’s see the usage of both these methods below:


// Define Enum - Car
enum Car { Tesla, Ford, Honda };

// Try to parse "Tesla"
Car TestCar = (Car)Enum.Parse(typeof(Car), "Tesla");
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("We will not reach here since Tesla exists in Car Enum.");

Output: "Tesla"

// Try to parse "Toyota"
Car TestCar = (Car)Enum.Parse(typeof(Car), "Toyota");
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("We will reach here since Toyota does not exists in Car Enum.");

Output: "We will reach here since Toyota does not exists in Car Enum."


// Define Enum - Car
enum Car { Tesla, Ford, Honda };

// Try to parse "Tesla"

Car TestCar;
Enum.TryParse("Tesla", out TestCar);

Output: "Tesla"

// Try to parse "Toyota"

Car TestCar;
Enum.TryParse("Toyota", out TestCar);

Output: "false"

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